We just finished a birthday in the house. In an earnest endeavor to have a worthwhile, no-casualty-no-blood play date comprising of 6 year old boys and girls on boosters, I planned a hot-mix of play and down time activities.
The party got done in under 3 hours and is completely doable for kids of 6 years of age!
For those of you who don’t know me, I am a huge fan of DIY activities and my main man of course, is a creative being to the core! Here’s what we put together for Ruhaan’s 6th Birthday Play Date!
We didn’t invest much time on the decorations and kept it to the minimal. Since we used most of the outside space in the house, we let the natural surroundings do their work.
DIY Picture Scavenger Hunt
This was a little different than the traditional scavenger hunt. It had a lot to do with pictures strategically placed along the house.
We made little treasure boxes and stuck clue cards on them. Each team had to find the correct number of objects that were indicated on their clue cards. Once the correct 4 digit object code was correctly figured out and verified by a designated adult, they were allowed to open the box!
The treasure comprised of zip lock bags with gold-coins (Oreo wrapped in gold paper), silver bars (little Dairy Milk chocolates in glitter paper) and Gems (here I used multi-coloured paper to make them look like little gems!)
The kids employed some serious observation skills, worked on their math skills to get to the correct number and we witnessed great team co-ordination among these 6 year olds!

The code is cracked and the treasures are discovered.
DIY Gardening Activity
This was one of the most enjoyable activities of the day. This one was inspired by my son’s love for anything that can connect with the outdoors! Since it was his special day and he requested for it, my husband and I were in consensus with the idea. It was also great experiential learning for the other kids. Very hands on. Very simple. And it helped with a very important take home lesson about nurturing a green thumb.

Learning to nurture.

A surprise visitor in the birthday boy’s plant!
A detailed link to the DIY Gardening Activity will be up soon!
DIY Stick Figures
These were pre-made by the kids and me. Here’s how.
DIY Air Drying Clay Mushrooms
Oh these were the cutest! My 2 year old helped with these. Do come back here for a detailed tutorial on how to DIY!
Here’s a peep into all the things the kids could use to decorate their pots.
The Musical Hoola Hoop
Once the kids hands were scrubbed and cleaned, they got together to play a game of Musical Hoola Hoop. In pairs they passed the hoops through their body from top to bottom, removing it from their feet and passing it on to the next pair. A pair that had the hoop when the music stopped had some fun penalties to pay!
By the time this was done, it ensured the kids got some a hearty appetite built up!
The Birthday Give Away’s
The kids had really worked hard and deserved a nice little treat . So as birthday favours, we gave them the most delicious pieces of chocolate brownies! These little pieces of heaven were flown in all the way from Mumbai! A huge thank you to The Whisketiers.
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