30 Simple Parenting Hacks
Parenting isn’t cake walk but it can be made into a smoother one with some simple Parenting Hacks and tricks. I absolutely wish that someone had compiled such a list of creative and viable Parenting Hacks that I could have escaped to in my earlier days of mommyhood. These parenting hacks will definitely ease things out.
Parenting hack #1. A laundry basket keeps the soapy water out and the toys in!

Laundry basket parenting hack source: reddit.com
Parenting hack #2. Scared of monsters. Create your monster spray with some water and essential oil.

Monster spray parenting hack source: viralnova.com
Parenting hack #3. Anti-skid socks can be made with super ease now. All you need is some puffy fabric paint.

Sock grip parenting hack source: lifehack.org
Parenting hack #4. Taking the bathing tub to another level. Use it with toys and allow yourself a breather. Also a great play station for toddler play dates!

Inflatable tub parenting hack source: architectureartdesigns.com/
Parenting hack #5. I love racer backs but hate the straps racing down the shoulders to touch the floor. Now use a barrette to secure the straps.

barrette clip parenting hack source: architectureartdesigns.com/
Parenting hack #6. Use a glue gun to prevent shoes from slipping .
Parenting hack #7. Now such old plastic bottles will allow your kids to reach to the sink easily.

Tap extension parenting hack source: architectureartdesigns.com
Parenting hack #8. With this command hook stuck to the back of the high chair one doesn’t need to scurry around looking for bibs and napkins at ‘toddler wailing time’!
Parenting hack #9. Also my mom’s trick: stop night time coughing by gentle application of vapor rub on the child’s feet and put socks over them.

VapoRub parenting hack tiffkeetch.blogspot.com
Parenting hack #10. In for a road trip or a long drive? Use this shoe caddy to organize stuff.

Shoe caddy parenting hack source: tipjunkie.com
Parenting hack #11. Fussy kids need yummy sprinklers to try new foods!

Fussy eater parenting hack source: emlii.com
Parenting hack #12. Get your child to wear his shoes on correctly. Cut a sticker into half and place the pieces on the insides of the shoes. Match, match!

Correct shoes parenting hack source: emlii.com
Parenting hack #13. This is for those moms who spend most of their nights tapping away! Fill a glove with mustard seeds or beads, give a few pats with it, and then slip away stealthily into the night.

Soothing hand parenting hack source: buzzfeed.com
Parenting hack #14. With this smart use of a sponge now you can bid farewell to door fear with this simple DIY method of baby proofing the door.

Baby proof door parenting hack source: womenofworth.co
Parenting hack #15. The baby is opening and shutting drawers and leaving you with a near heart attack each time! Now Baby-proof your drawers with the least effort possible.

Baby proof drawer parenting hack souce: buzzfeed.com/
Parenting hack #16. Baskets in the bathroom attached to the curtain rod or command hooks make for great holders.

Bathroom holders parenting hack source: mommyshorts.com
Parenting hack #17. A rubber band can keep your child from getting locked in the bathroom.

Baby safe door knob parenting hack source: twentytwowords.com
Parenting hack #18. Sorting clothes of kids with the same gender made easier with the dot method.

Sorting clothes parenting hack source: buzzfeed.com
Parenting hack #19. No more slipping and sliding away of rugs. Velcro can secure them safely and baby can crawl undisturbed.

Securing the carpet parenting hack source: mashable.com
Parenting hack #20. I have yet to come across such an effective time-out idea. Fill a bottle up 3/4 with water. Add to this a bottle of glitter glue and some ultra-fine glitter. Flip the bottle and when the glitter settles, their time-out is over.

Time-out parenting hack source: emlii.com
Parenting hack #21. Handy in public places or where there is likelihood of a crowd. Make a kid-friendly bracelet with your phone number on it.

Bracelet parenting hack source: twentytwowords.com
Parenting hack #22. Never miss a dose again or find yourself wondering “did I already do this?” Create a chart on the prescription bottle to track when you give your child his medicine.

Medicine parenting hack source: popsugar.com
Parenting hack #23. Don’t hand it down once you are done having babies!! Now upcycle that crib.

Crib study parenting hack source: mashable.com
Parenting hack #24. Use a disposable coffee lid to keep popsicles from turning into a slosh mess.

Ice cream parenting hack source: twentytwowords.com
Parenting hack #25. Saying bye to the flying and scattering of toe nails. A little tape will turn toenail clipping into an easy cleanup.

Nail cutter parenting hack source:reditt.com
Parenting hack #26. Put a sign below the toilet paper so kids know how much to tear off. (Hmm…that’s if they care to listen!)

Toilet paper parenting hack source: twentytwowords.com
Parenting hack #27. Yogurt popsicles that are easy to use and make! Allows summer sucking fun and no nutrition neglect!

Yogurt popsicle parenting hack source: buzzfeed.com
Parenting hack #28. Getting cup after cup for the kids to sip water in can be tiring. With these fridge magnet cups your kids will be able to get their own cup whenever.

Cup parenting hack soure: babble.com
Parenting hack #29. So this one also came from my pre-natal trainer and it works like a charm. Place a spoon in the freezer for a few minutes, then give it to your tot to suck on. The combination of the cold and pressure reduces swelling, giving your child some much-needed pain relief from her growing teeth.

Spoon soother parenting hack popsugar.com
Parenting hack #30. Painlessly pull out a splinter. Sprinkle some baking soda with a little touch of water and apply on the wound. Cover it with a bandage and about an hour later just pull it out with ease.

Painless splinter parenting hack source: popsugar.com
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